Sunday, February 10, 2008

Material for today: PURPLE I ironed today

Well I thought I had been posting everyday here, even though it was only my choice of Material for the day, however nothing has been saved since Thursday. I will try and see if I can fix this.

I ironed most of the purple I have, though nothing under a FQ was ironed. I will be folding it later tonight. I am going to put it back in the box it came out of till I can do the studio.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Material for today: RABBITS

I am folding my stash the way the book "Perfect Quilting Studio" says. I bought some more starch which I will need as I starch, iron and fold my stash. It is going to shock me I think when I reach the final amount.

The little white rabbit spent the day under the Gardenia bush in front of the bedroom while it rained. Poor thing looked cold but not too wet. I would have taken a box out there for him but I don't think he would have appreciated it.