Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I joined the Birthday Swap

Well I today I took the plunge today and joined the Birthday Swap run via QDU. The hostess Suzy sounds like a great gal. I am really looking forward to it. I am having a biggie this January, 55, and as I will have to organise my own surprise party, if I have one, I think some Fat Quarters is a better idea.

Well what an evening. My sweet SIL (son-in-law who works up north) rang to say ‘don’t panic but I can’t find Jo (DD). Of course I did panic as any good mother would. After much phoning around it came out that he hadn’t listened to her when she said she was going to buy a car tonight! I will laugh about it tomorrow however right now I am annoyed with him for not listening and me for panicking.

As we had the Silverchain people for Hubby in all I was able to do quilting wise was tidy up a little material.

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Birdydownunder said...

What a nice way to celebrate your birthday when it comes, and thats men for you isn't it.

Suzy said...

I am sweet....I hope you have a great birthday. And may all your dreams come true.